ISBN: 978-1-936569-59-5
Author: Mansur Ahmad & Husain A. Nuri
Publisher: Weekend Learning Publishers (2008)
Pages: 240 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Please note: This is the revised and enlarged edition of Islamic Studies Level 3 book.
All lessons in this book are thematically presented in distinct units. Topics in the Level 3 book are diverse and are presented with greater detail. Learning about our Creator remains an important focus of the entire series. Five lessons in Unit 1 is devoted to knowing our Creator. Unit 2 covers some of the important topics about our faith. Two chapters in this unit discusses two items of our faith in detail. These are our belief in the Qur'an and our belief in the Messengers. Unit 3 is about Nabi Muhammad (S), particularly reflecting on the kindness of our Nabi. Unit 4 covers life and activities of five past messengers. Unit 5 has four lessons on Islam in general. The final unit has several topics on aqidah and akhlaq in Islam.
The Islamic Studies books from WeekendLearning are based on a comprehensive 12-year curriculum. The curriculum contains broad aspect of Islam based on the Qur’an and authentic Hadith. The topics in the curriculum are laid out in a systematic manner to suit the teaching needs in a weekend Islamic school. Topics are selected based on age, grade and learning levels of each grade. Some topics are covered in multiple grades to add different perspective, details and additional emphasis. The teachers and director of the school will find continuity in the curriculum as it unfolds year to year. Teachers will know how much each student will learn year to year, and how much they will have learned at the end when they graduate out of the school.
All Islamic Studies books from WeekendLearning have age and grade appropriate lessons. Even the length and depth of each lesson and sentences in the lessons are age and grade appropriate. The lessons are tailored for 50-60 minute classes. Students in all grades will love the simple and child-friendly language and sentences in the books. The language of the lessons and the treatment of the subjects are made from children’s perspective. Even English spelling of Arabic words is age appropriate. The books do not simply disseminate knowledge, but make it relevant to the students’ life and their world. The lessons do not use a lecturing tone, but engage the students in a respectful discussion.
Level 3 Table of Contents:
What Does Allah DoSome Names of Allah (swt)Allah: The Most-MercifulAllah: The Best JudgeWe Are Muslims: We Have 'ImanSome Names of the Qur'anHadithShahadah: Declaring Oneness of AllahTypes of SalatWhy We Do SalatSawm: the 3rd Pillar of IslamCharity: The 4th Pillar of IslamCharity: The 4th Pillar of IslamHajj: The 5th Pillar of IslamThe Prophet (S) in MakkahThe Prophet (S) in MedinahHow Rasul (S) Treated OthersIsma'il (A) and Ishaq (A): Prophets of AllahDawud (A): A Prophet of Allah'Isa (A): A Prophet of AllahBeing Kind: A Virtue of the BelieversForgiveness: A Quality of the BelieversGood Deeds: A Duty of the BelieversCleanliness: A Quality of True BelieversThe Right Path: The Straight PathMuslim FamilyPerseverance: Never Give UpPunctuality: Doing Things on TimeJinnMuslims in North America
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