ISBN: 9781936569090
Author: Mansur Ahmad, Husain A. Nuri
Publisher: Taqwa Prints, Weekend Learning Publishers (2012)
Pages: 160 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
My Islamic Activity Book presents a variety of lively learning experiences. The book covers essential Islamic Studies curriculum from first grade through fifth grade. Each activity will help your child review, reinforce and accelerate learning. It is a great activity book during regular school year or during any other time. Simple instructions, colorful illustrations and entertaining activities will help your child gain confidence and enjoy learning. This book is great during travel, vacation, summertime, winter breaks and family fun time. The book has Islamic word search, crossword puzzles, concept building activities, Ramadan activities, Hajj activities, Salat activities word maze, unscramble and many more fun activities. The book is recommended for students between the ages 6 and 12.
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