Qur'anic Studies
this section is about works on the nature and history of the Qur'anic text.
1) Teachings of the Qur'an, 2) History [within] the Qur'an, and 3) Miraculous Nature of the Qur'an are in the Qur'anic Teachings section.
Ulum Al-Qur'an : An Introduction to the Sciences of The Qur'an : New 2nd Edition (Ahmad Von Denffer)
The Sources of the Qur'an: A Critical Review of the Authorship Theories (Hamza Mustafa Njozi)
Gateway to the Qur'anic Sciences : Based on al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an (Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti)
The History of the Qur'anic Text: From Revelation to Compilation (Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami)