Goodword Quran Stories for Little Hearts Series (Ages 4 to 6+)
This series is one of the very first productions of the now uber famous Goodword Books and their vast line of children's titles. There were 48 individual books published in this series. The writing in each book is sparse, the stories are told mostly in the form of the glorious drawings. which must have cost a small fortune in artist fees, each page has a unique hand drawn full color spread and there are almost a thousand pages across the entire series.
A lot of the wording used is really of 8-10 year old level. so a 3-6 year old is going to struggle with the reading. no doubt it is an impossible task to translate grown-up moral themes of the lives of the Prophets into something 3-6 year olds can comprehend. as such, the publishers have done an amazing job with these picturesque books.
You can buy any one of the 48 titles individually in PB format. Plus the publishers offer several different packaging options, primarily to make your head spin.
- Two Gift Box Sets with 20 PB titles in each.
- Nine Box Sets, each featuring 4 titles in hardback.
- Five Box Sets, with 6 different PB titles in each.
- Four different Hardbound volumes, each with 12 of the books inside
........Qur'an Stories for Kids
........More Qur'an Stories for Kids
........Just for Kids Qur'an Stories
........Quran and Seerah Stories for Kids