ISBN: 9781590080535
Author: Imad ad-Dean Ahmad
Publisher: Amana Publications (2008)
Pages: 96 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Organizations must have rules of order to facilitate their debate and to fill in the procedures not detailed by their constitutional documents. While most American organizations are content to operate by Robert's Rules of Order, Muslim organizations have often wrestled with questions over whether the rules of order systemized by a Western military figure are in accord with the Qur'an and the Sunnah. This book tackles the matter directly and takes into account the Qur'an, the sunnah, Islamic manners and the history of Islamic consultation and leadership to provide a simple, practical guide to organizational procedure that can be incorporated into the governance of Muslim organizations. The book includes advice on writing bylaws and on complying with the best practices of the U.S. Dept. of Justice in a way that is Islamically authentic, transparent, and accountable. It provides a basic starting point for any Muslim organization while allowing for flexibility so that organizations may make any variations they require within their own bylaws and constitution, so that it can accommodate differing schools of thought on Islamic law. In its discursive approach it is an essential primer for understanding the value of rules of order and the Islamic context for their application. The Islamic Rules of Order has been adopted as the rules of order of the Association of Muslims Social Scientists.
About the Author
Dr. Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, a Palestinian-American Muslim, graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1970 and obtained a Ph.D. in astronomy and astrophysics from the University of Arizona in 1975. He has had years of experience as a parliamentarian and/or chairman of many organizations, both Muslim and of a general constituency. As President of the Islamic think tank, the Minaret of Freedom Institute, he has cultivated a special interest in issues of good governance in Muslim organizations and the Muslim world. He teaches honors courses in religion, science and freedom at the University of Maryland.
Dr. Ahmad is the author of Signs in the Heavens: A Muslim Astronomer's Perspective on Religion and Science, co-author with Rose Wilder Lane of Islam and the Discovery of Freedom, and co-editor Ahmad Yousef of Islam and the West: A Dialog.