ISBN: 9781847740120
Author: Habeeb Quadri & Sa'ad Quadri
Publisher: Kube Publishing (2012)
Pages: 178 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The ultimate book addressing teenage issues of Muslim youth in the West.
"An insightful volume that takes on many of the issues confronting Muslim youth in the West, sometimes with humor, oftentimes with brutal frankness, but always with sound knowledge and great clarity." Imam Zaid Shakir, Zaytuna Institute, California
This is not just another book about Muslim youth. It is a book by young Muslims for young Muslims, addressing issues such as media, music, dating, and drugs in a language that is their own. With an introduction by Imam Zaid Shakir.
Navigating today's world for our youth can be very challenging, given the open nature the liberal democracy the western world is and the Islamic personality a committed parent would love for his or her child to develop. After reading the above survey, our team at IB researched the best title that can help Muslim teenagers understand how Islam can be practiced and applied to help them navigate the America of today. This is the book we recommend and it wins an Editor's Choice Award from us.
"The War Within Our Hearts", written by 2 young American Muslim activists and educators, speaks directly to teens in a direct, no-nonsense manner, backed up by a solid Islamic foundation and ethos. The purpose of writing it was to show Muslim youth in the West that they are not alone in the problems they are facing today. As integration and assimilation to society is increasing within the Muslim community, youth are battling a variety of enemies that may not have been faced by their parents. By recognizing that these problems are not unique to an individual but are common place for Muslim youth today, this book will address certain issues which may have otherwise been avoided.
- 180+ pages split up into 28 easy-to-digest short ~ 6-page chapters.
- Addresses the problems teens face in brutal frankness but always with sound knowledge and clarity.
- Discusses TV, parties, lowering the gaze, social media/facebook, drinking/drugs, music, parents, keeping good company, clothing, showing off, envy/jealousy, scamming/cheating, the tongue, pornography, suicide/depression/abuse, and more.
- Designed not to have to be read linearly; chapters can be read in any order.
- Makes the Qur'an's wisdom come alive with immediate relevance.
- Each chapter ends with concise practical solutions