ISBN: 9830650839
Author: Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani (Prof. Shetha al-Dargazelli & Dr. Louay Fatoohi, translators) (Shaikh Muhammad al-Zasnazani al-Husseini, editor)
Publisher: A. S. Noordeen (1998)
Pages: 210 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This book is the English translation of Shaikh Muhammad al-Casnazani al-Husseini’s (Qaddasa Allah sirrahu al-aziz) fir ever edition of the Arabic manuscript “Jila al-Khatir” which contains discourses of the great Sufi Master Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani (Qaddasa Allah sirrahu al-aziz).
Tariqua (or Sufism) is that unique spiritual journey to Allah (Azza wa jall) and therefore, it represents “the spiritual side of Islam”, as Shaikh Muhammad al-Casnazani calls it. Making this spiritual journey requires following a Master who has himself successfully made the journey to Allah (azza wa jall) and who is knowledgeable of the human lower self and its spiritual diseases.
This book contains the words of a great Sufi Shaikh who followed in the path of love and sincerity of the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu ta’ala alayhi wa sallam) and achieved the highest degree of nearness to Allah (azza wa jall). This is not a book of speculations and theoretical arguments. On the contrary, the words it contains are the fruit of Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani’s own experience on the way to Allah (azza wa jall). Therefore, this book is an essential companion, the best practical guide, for everyone who is seriously seeking a competent and accomplished physician to cure his spiritual diseases and take him by the hand to the door of Allah (azza wa jall).
Shetha al-Dargazelli was born in Baghdad, Iraq. She graduated from the Physics Department, College of Sciences, Baghdad University, where she later completed her M.Sc. She obtained her Ph.D in Physics from Durham University, England. Shetha al-Dargazelli taught in universities in Iraq and became a Professor. She has published more than sixty scientific papers and general articles. She is also the co-author of four scientific books, one book on Sufism and the Paranormal. She is a Khalifa (deputy) of Shaikh Muhammad al-Casnazani al-Husseini, the Master of Tariqa Aliyyah Qadiriyyah Casnazaniyyah. She has been Research Fellow in Durham University since 1992.