ISBN: 9781898649755
Author: Sajda Nazlee
Publisher: Al-Hidaayah Publishing (2007)
Pages: 28 Binding: Hardcover
Description from the publisher:
Acorn and Berry Series
An exciting new series of 8 children's books Inspiring stories featuring the two brothers Usamah and Luqman the inquisitive twins and their adventures! Interesting stories that will instill valuable morals into young hearts.
Book 1: The Twins and the Mystery of the Berries
Luqman and Usamah are nine year old twin brothers who live at 2 Acorn Street with Mum, Dad, Older sister Sumayyah and younger sister Hanna.
Join the twins on their adventure, as they attempt to solve many fascinating mysteries in their journey to become better Muslims
Although there is difference of opinion on the texts prohibiting drawing living beings, the safer opinion has been adopted and facial features have been removed in the illustrations in this book.