ISBN: 1590080416
Author: Tarik Jan
Publisher: Amana Publications (2006)
Pages: 431 Binding: Hardcover
Description from the publisher:
Who is Muhammad? What was his background? How did he get the idea that he was a God-sent Prophet? What was his primary message? What accounts for his appeal? These and many such questions have been very vividly answered in this compelling biographical narration by Tarik Jan, who contextualizes the coming of the last prophet in the Abrahamic tradition.
The author has portrayed the Prophet as a messenger with all the inherent mystique of the prophetic office. The prophetic message unfolds itself as the Messenger creates situation on the ground. The psychological environment, in which the Prophet and his companions lived and operated, has been maintained. The book goes beyond the episodical frame and integrates the material to tell a tale, relying on the Qur'an and the ahadith to present the life and times of Prophet Muhammad.