ISBN: 9780972835893
Author: Mufti Muhammad Sajaad
Publisher: As-Suffa Institute (2007)
Pages: 249 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
There are few who will disagree that the duty of Da‘wah, or calling, to Islam has been severely neglected in our times when the need for it is more pronounced than ever. It is either not undertaken altogether, or if it is performed, then it is undertaken without the knowledge of the etiquette, preconditions, and general teachings that the sacred sources of Islam have provided for it. Therefore, the Da‘wah is many times bereft of the results and blessings that could be attained.
The Fiqh of Da‘wah attempts to explain this duty in a detailed and thorough way. It is based on a comprehensive collection of forty hadiths pertaining to the preaching methods of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) as well as his teachings regarding Da‘wah to Allah. The commentary then elaborates upon the hadiths, carefully outlining the virtue, principles, conditions, and etiquette of this lofty duty. Furthermore, the work documents a number of practical examples from the lives of the pious predecessors and from those more recent, showing how they were prepared to make Da‘wah even in the most inhospitable of circumstances. This work should prove an indispensable guide for anyone who wishes to seriously understand and practice this forgotten obligation in the twenty-first century.