ISBN: 9781579840774
Author: Hakan Kosova
Publisher: The Light, Inc. (2007)
Pages: 119 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Presented in this reference is the argument that it is time for both Muslims and non-Muslims to restore the image of Prophet Muhammad as a role model and father and to overcome the common prejudices associated with Islam’s leader. "Tribute" is what is needed most today. Along with other concerns and fears, the infamous "cartoon crisis" presented a dramatic example of to what extreme an image can be destroyed, corrupted, and publicized globally. No one is in favor of violent demonstrations or the destruction of property, but at the same time, no one is in favor of the arrogant indifference demonstrated by some circles to the sensitivities of Muslims and what they hold sacred. The tension between disrespectful behavior and uncontrolled reaction defames to a greater extent the concepts and personalities which societies respect.This volume is devoted to the blessed memory of the Prophet Muhammad. Articles contributed by scholars from around the world discuss different aspects of the Prophet and try to present us with a true image, an image that is not duly appreciated in our world today. Our hopes are that it will serve mutual for understanding and intellectual enlightment.