ISBN: 9830652378
Author: Fawzia Gilani
Publisher: A.S. Noordeen (2007)
Pages: 42 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Every Eid Sitty made jilbabs. She made them for the poor. People said that Sitty’s jilbabs were the best around because she put love and kindness into every stitch she sewed. Many rich women came to buy Sitty’s jilbabs, but Sitty always told them that her jilbabs were not for the wealthy.A greedy queen demands that Sitty make her a jilbab for Eid. But Sitty insists that only the poor my have her jilbabs. The Queen flies into a rage and throws Sitty in prison. Before Sitty is set free; she offers the Queen some good advice.