ISBN: 9830652076
Author: Haji Saif
Publisher: A. S. Noordeen (2005)
Pages: 137 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
With the lure of wealth and the perceived association with materialistic world power, the aggressive evangelical Christians have targeted Muslims worldwide for conversion. Those preaching that Jesus is Lord, which contradicts the monotheistic teachings of the Bible and the Prophet of Nazareth, are intentionally misinterpreting the Aramaic message of the Messiah. From the name used for the Messiah – Jesus to the name used for God – Dios, in the celebration of Hanukah, Mardi Gras and Christmas, we find the pagan Greek legacy. How could the One God of Abraham become a combined triune deity of a heavenly father, a man-god son and the Holy Spirit (in the Bodily form of a dove) in contradiction to the Bible?
In this book, those contradictions and the connection between the beliefs, practices, mythology and language of the Ancient Greeks and Modern Christianity are examined in the light of history, the various versions of the Bible and the Quran. And once presented with the light of truth of the oneness of Almighty God, the relevance of Al Islam in the so-called modern age becomes clear.