ISBN: 0906512166
Author: Shaykh al Alawi; Abd as-Sabur al-Ustadh (editor); Abd al-Kabir al-Munawarra, Abd as-Sabur al-Ustadh (translators); Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi al-Darqawi (introduction)
Publisher: Madinah Press (2005)
Pages: 384 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
A lucid and profound exposition of the gnostic science that lies at the heart of Sufism. A Guide Book to Khalwa, spiritual retreat, preparing the murid by the doctrine of the Unity for the experiences that will befall him in the self-shattering annihilation he desires (meaning -- the spiritual elevation coupled with ridding oneself of his ego and living a Godly, saintly, pious, peaceful life).
Shaykh al-Alawi has taken ibn al-Ashir’s verse poem, itself a summation of Islamic teachings, and made it a vehicle for making plain the unitary knowledge, the hidden doctrine, that lies beneath ever phenomenon of outer wisdom. Thus he is able to unveil from even the lowest functions of cleaning the body an exalted meaning which indicates the Oneness of his Lord.
Above all, this is a book of action constantly returning the Gnostic traveler to slave hood, covering over his secrets and concealing the intoxicating knowledge that he gained. It confirms the simple qualities of correct moral behavior that are the hallmarks of the great.