ISBN: 8171014453
Author: Moulana Shabbir Ahmed Saloojee
Publisher: Idara Isha'at-e-Diniyat (Pvt.) Ltd. (2005)
Pages: 65 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Every deed, act, habit, liking of Prophet Mohammad is called Sunnat. The whole life of the Holy Prophet is perfect guideline for the successful life of a Momin. The Holy Prophet did not bear any ill-feeling or malice towards anyone.
This book, written in Urdu by Moulana Sa'ad Hassan Yusoofi, which has been translated into English by Moulana Shabbir Ahmed Saloojee, a few Sunnats, habits and actions of Rasulullah have been mentioned. By bringing them into our lives true love of Allah Ta'ala and Rasulullah will be achieved.