ISBN: 9830651762
Author: Monal Seidan
Publisher: A S Noordeen (2004)
Pages: 72 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Our greatest challenge as human beings today is to follow a method of critical independent thinking.
It is all too easy for the public to be swayed by heated emotion, hate and prejudice without serious study of cold historic facts. With sophisticated tools such as propaganda and mass media we have witnessed in modern history how western countries have horrifically stereotyped entire races, nations and ethnic groups. After all it was Napoleon Bonaparte who identified a problem when he stated "authoritarian government required not to speak is silent…but representative government required to speak LIES with impunity."
Since September 11th attacks, some western nations have deluded their public about the need for pre-emptive military attacks, invasion and occupation of so-called third world nations in the name of peace and security. The Western media has suddenly discovered that the likes of Saddam Hussein, who for nearly 20 years was held up by the western media as a champion of modernism fighting internal and external opposition (including the Kurdish groups like Ansar Al Islam who were slaughtered by US cruise missile attacks during the invasion) calling for a representative Muslim republic in Iraq, suddenly turned out to be this really nasty military dictator!
Indeed, it was western support that kept Saddam (and so many other brutal dictators) in power for so long but those now crying crocodile tears for the people of Iraq don't like any discussion of that fact and pretend they know better what is best for the people of Iraq. As if to add insult to injury, the west finds no case for liberation of, or even sending in of peace keepers for, the several million Palestinians who suffer under the bloody Israeli military junta that occupies their land with an iron fist. Even when Israeli terrorists attacks western citizens (USS Liberty, King David Hotel bombing, Rachael Corrie-peace activist, UN envoys etc.) no call for a global war on Jewish terror emanates from the west.
No doubt, the rise of the cynical use of propaganda in Europe in the 19th and 20th century opened the door to the justification for colonialism, racism and fascism. These were the vital tools that turned even a neutral individual into an ardent supporter of what would otherwise be viewed as an outrageous injustice or crime.
The rise of a pattern western neo-fascism against Islam within so-called Western Democracies (Plutocracies) was brought to an all new high of hate and violence, even from official quarters, with the targeting of Muslim communities across the western world after 11th September 2001.
Are we witnessing the rise of the latest form of western fascism? How can a World war against terrorism be fought with no agreed definition of what terrorism is or by attributing it to one community alone? Christianity, Judaism even secularism all have their own fair share of terrorist organizations most of which have targeted western citizens. Why are western governments eroding civil liberties in light of a single terrorist incident…can't western governments withstand terrorism without turning into fully fledged police states?
Shouldn't we be concerned that this new wave of western led prejudice and hate against the entire Islamic community brings back memories of secular democracies upholding racist laws or segregating communities as witnessed by groups such as Indian-Americans, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans, and now Arab-Americans?
It is most disturbing to hear public displays of US extremism, that many now believe permeates the highest levels of US officialdom. How are we supposed to interpret the calls by American journalists for Nuclear holocausts to be unleashed on entire Islamic nations? Is that beyond secular western nations? Don't think this can't happen, the only time an atomic weapon of mass destruction has been used against an entire civilian population was at the hands of a secular democracy (a quarter of a MILLION Japanese men, women and children massacred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic bomb attacks ). Surely this was far more horrific than the September 11th attack or are we really being told that non-western life is worth less than western life?Add to this the disturbing refusal of the US to sign up to any international war crimes court.
With the spread of secular materialist philosophy from the west, secular fanaticism has resulted in disaster for humanity with violent ideologies such as nationalism, racism, fascism, colonialism, communism, Zionism and many other cruel secular world views based on conflict drawing strength from the West's materialist philosophy.
Darwin proposed that the 'fight for survival' also applied between human races. According to that claim, favoured races' were victorious in the struggle. Favoured races, in Darwin's view, were white Europeans. African or Asian races had lagged behind in the struggle for survival. Darwin went further, and suggested that these races would soon lose the 'struggle for survival' entirely, and thus disappear: At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the "civilized" races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the "savage" races throughout the world," states Darwin in his book subtitled "The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. The same Darwinism, whose un-scientific ideas are still being propagated by western schools as facts are in fact the basis for a racist and cruel view of humankind's co-existence.
All this hate and prejudice against Islam…all this Islamaphobia…are we looking the next crime against humanity by a western power right in the face?