ISBN: 9830651657
Author: Harun Yahya
Publisher: A S Noordeen (2003)
Pages: 199 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
If we put all the news we hear from the media about peoples' turning to Islam together we can grasp the extraordinary course of events. The purpose of this book is to present all these developments collectively, to analyze them and thus help readers to appreciate the due importance of these events. By doing this, the book aims to increase believers' zeal and enthusiasm.
During the last 20 years, the number of Muslims in the world has been increasing steadily. Statistics for the year 1973 indicate that the world population of Muslims was 500 million; now, it has reached 1.5 billion. Today, every fourth person is a Muslim.1 It is probable that the Muslim population will continue to increase and that Islam will become the world's largest religion.
The reason for this steady rise is not only the increasing population in Muslim countries, but also the growing numbers of people who are turning to Islam, a phenomenon that has gained momentum, especially after the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as 9/11). This attack, deplored by everyone, especially Muslims, has suddenly turned people's attention (especially Americans) to Islam. People in the West are talking a lot about what kind of a religion Islam is, what the Qur'an says, what obligations come with being a Muslim, and how Muslims are required to conduct their affairs. This interest has naturally brought about a rise in the number of people worldwide turning to Islam. So, the commonly heard prediction after 9/11 that "this attack will change the course of world history" has, in a sense, started to come true. The process of returning to religious and spiritual values, which the world has been experiencing for a long time, has become a turning to Islam.
Sometimes, when such developments are reported by the media, we see how extraordinary these events really are. Although sometimes presented as ordinary occurrences, in reality they are signs that Islamic morality has begun to spread throughout the world very quickly.
We must realize that these signs are either ignored in favor of other events, or cannot properly be appreciated by many people. However, it is of great importance that:
Prominent statesmen quote the Qur'an in their speeches and take every occasion to express their reverence for it.
They have begun to visit mosques and ask for detailed information about Islam.
For the first time in history, the Pope has invited Christians and Muslims to fast together for one day.
Christian clergy quote the Qur'an in their sermons.
For weeks, the Qur'an has been the best selling book in Western countries
There have been internationally televised special news programs, reports, and discussion programs introducing Islam.
World-renowned newspapers have published articles about Islam and Muslims.
The most popular books in libraries are those about Islam and Islamic history.
This map, published in Der Spiegel, shows where the Muslim population is dense. The dark green areas indicate places where the Muslim population is more than 90%.
This book presents and evaluates these developments so that readers may appreciate their importance. On the one hand, this book will attempt to make believers more determined and resolved and, on the other hand, show the importance of telling everyone about Islamic morality. All of these developments have been revealed in the Qur'an: "When God's help and victory have arrived, and you have seen people entering God's religion in droves, then glorify your Lord's praise and ask His forgiveness" (Qur'an, 110: 2-3) and it is important to know that what this verse says will come true very soon. It is even happening now. God will indeed fulfill this promise. Therefore, believers must do whatever they can to take part in these developments.
This book presents and evaluates these developments so that readers may appreciate their importance. On the one hand, this book will attempt to make believers more determined and resolved and, on the other hand, show the importance of telling everyone about Islamic morality. All of these developments have been revealed in the Qur'an: When God's help and victory have arrived, and you have seen people entering God's religion in droves, then glorify your Lord's praise and ask His forgiveness Qur'an, 110: 2-3 and it is important to know that what this verse says will come true very soon. It is even happening now. God will indeed fulfill this promise. Therefore, believers must do whatever they can to take part in these developments.