ISBN: 0023364009
Author: Isma'il Ragi al Faruqi (editor)
Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Co., Collier Macmillan Publishers (1974, 2002 reprint)
Pages: 346 Binding: Hardback
Description from the publisher:
Here is one of the most extensive historical atlases of religion ever published. Sixty-five maps, including material never before mapped, portray practically everything which conceivably lends itself to cartographic interpretation. Maps illustrate the origins and distribution of religions, the movement of religions, and the locations of sacred cities, sites, and temples. Also highlighting the material are numerous photographs and drawings.
Enlightening essays in this book are written by scholars who are believers in the religions about which they write. These essays present the history of each religion, its growth and interaction with space and time, and the relation of one religion to another.
Faiths and civilizations discussed include ancient near east's mesopotamia, egypt, and canaan-phoenicia; Greece and Rome; Shamanism, Amerindian Religions' Traditional Religions in Africa; Hinduism; Jainism; Sikhism; Confucianism and Taoism; Shinto; Zoroastrianism; Judaism; Theravada Buddhism; Mahayana Buddhism (China); Mahayana Buddhism (Japan); Christianity; Islam.