ISBN: 781870582551
Author: Muhammad Abdul-Aziz Ahmad Majdi as-Sayyid Ibrahim
Publisher: Dar al-Taqwa, London
Pages: 53 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The wonderful Well of Zamzam in theHoly Sanctuary of Makka, and the waterwhich springs from it, are dear to theheart of every Muslim believer. Anumber of fictitious and superstitiousideas about it have appeared ovcr thecenturies, acting as a source of confusionand misguidance. Accordingly there isgreat need for a reliable work presentingcorrect and authentic traditionalknowledge about Zamzam and its uniquequalities.
Based solely on authoritative sources andscientific research, this book charts thehistory of Zamzam from its miraculousfirst appearance down to the mostremarkable discoveries and personalexperiences of recent years. The authoralso reveals details of the importance ofZamzam water to the Prophet himself(Allah's peace and blessings upon him)and the early Muslims, and describes theamazing and proven properties ofblessing and healing which Allah hasbestowed on this water.
Reading this book should make thedrinking of Zamzam water an evensweeter and more enriching experience!