ISBN: 0860373606
Author: 'Abdul Majid Daryabadi
Publisher: Islamic Foundation (UK)
Pages: 1144 Binding: Hardback
Description from the publisher:
From the back cover: “The Glorious Qur’an is an abridged version of ‘Abdul Majid Daryabadi’s Tafsir al-Qur’an (Lucknow, Academy of Islamic Research and Publications, 4 Volumes, 1981-85). In addition to presenting a truly faithful and idiomatic English translation which retains almost all the original Arabic syntax and word-order in its translation of the Qur’anic text, Daryabadi’s work represents as an admirable venture into comparative religion. Based on a thoroughly critical study of the Bible in particular, as also other major world faiths, anthropology and history in general, Daryabadi cogently demonstrates how the Qur’an stands out above other Scriptures which have been tamped with down the ages. Another valuable element of the work is the elucidation of Islam which it provides-its life-giving articles of faith, its life-sustaining teachings and its life-enriching worldview in a manner best suited for the English speaking reading public.”