ISBN: 1870582950
Author: Abu Bakr Abdur Razzak
Publisher: Dar al-Taqwa Ltd. (UK)
Pages: 120 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Circumcision is a topic which has beenfiercely debated from ancient times andthe debate is still raging today. In moderntimes several world conferences havebeen held to debate circumcision andmany papers, magazine articles andbooks have been published about it.This is the first comprehensive book onthe topic. It clarifies the meaning ofcircumcision, its history, the opinion ofscience, medicine and religion regardingit, its effects from a psychological, socialand moral perspective. It also includespart of Tuhfat al-Mawdud byIbn-al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya which dealswith circumcision