ISBN: 096472040X
Author: Ralph Braibanti
Publisher: International Strategy and Policy Institute (2000)
Pages: 108 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The warning of the twentieth century has been characterized by the irrepressible effervescence of Islam. The end of empire released powerful forces partially suppressed by colonialism. The effort of this explosion has been global and profound, benign and sinister. It has produced reactions and radiation of values held dear by all civilizations.
During the past decade two new idioms affecting the perception of Islam in the West have commanded attention. The first, caricaturing Islam as the “Green Menace” replacing the Soviet “Red Menace”, is significantly negative. Te second is a slowly emerging recognition in ecclesiastical validity and demographic, circles of the theological validity and demographic, hence political, weight of Islam. This latter idiom is somewhat more positive in its effect. These tow themes co-exist in a dialectical relationship. The dominance of one over the other cannot be clearly foretold. It militant radical trends among a minority Muslim group increases and expand spatially, then the emerging global respectability of Islam will be in eclipse. If these radical militant actions of Muslim identity linked with spiritual growth and political influence could very well be the result.