ISBN: 8187570091
Author: S. Waqar Ahmed Husaini
Publisher: Goodword Books (2002)
Pages: 219 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This book presents fifteen chapters on galaxies, the solar system, and applied physics, and is illustrated by 48 color pictures from NASA. Each chapter quoting liberally from the Quran, demonstrates the integration (tawhid) of the facts and values derived from the Qur'an with modern human knowledge.
The Quran legitimizes science and technology as essentially Islamic Knowledge ('ilm) which has probability but not the certainty of truth. Quranic verses are given technological explanations based on data from non-Muslim sources and NASA explorations, without the Qur'an as a matter of Islamization.
The book is a model of tawhid: the integration of advances. As such, it is crucial to Islamic acculturation and as a counter to latter-day Muslim reductionism (takhsisiyyah) which has excluded the natural sciences, technology, and even socio-humanistic sciences from the Islamic purview. This book also shows how Islamization provides values by which to evaluate knowledge; thus astrology and environmentally harmful sciences and technology are un-Islamic.