ISBN: 0946621276
Author: Ibn Ata Allah Iskandari
Publisher: Islamic Texts Society (UK)
Pages: 169 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This is the first English translation of MIFTAB al-FALAH, a thirteen century Sufi text, written by IBN ATA ALLAH, the noted jurist of the Maliki school of law, and the third of the great masters of the SHADIHILI SUFI order. This book is considered to be one of his most important works because it contains the principles of actual Sufi mystical practices. It is unprecedented for the light it sheds on the central role of DIKHR’ULLA, or sacred invocation, and associated practices, such as a spiritual retreat.
Written in a clear, lucid style, it offers a glimpse into the Sufi world of the Seventh Islamic century and allows us to see almost at first hand how the novice was guided by the SUFI SHAYKH and, above all, the purpose and preparation involved in engaging in the sacred invocation. The author sets out to define it, to explain it nature and power, to show it results and to prove that it is part of the Prophet’s way of life, or practice. The author goes to great length to point out the many Quranic verses where it is mentioned and cites many noted authorities. Ibn Ata Allah was not the only one who writes on this topic but he is the only one who devoted entire book to a subject and the first to put down in writing the mysteries connected with the orally transmitted religious tradition.