ISBN: 0907461670
Author: Muhammad Ibrahim Surty
Publisher: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. (UK) (1990)
Pages: 124 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Central to the Qur'an is the cardinal belief of al-Tawhid, Islamic Monotheism the refutation of al-Shirk, Polytheism. The book examines and highlights:
The Principal Teachings of the Prominent ProphetsThe Qur'anic Definition of al-ShirkThe Qur'anic Reasoning Against al-ShirkThe Effects of al-Shirk on Human LifeImportant Gods and Goddesses of the ArabsThe Reason for Polytheism Among the ArabsPolytheism on Other Parts of the WorldThe Qur'anic Concepts of al-Tawhid, Islamic Monotheism
The book provides a unique opportunity to study the text and translation of more than two hundred ayat of the Qur'an on the basic theme of al-Shirk and al-Tawhid.
About the author:DR. MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM H. I. SURTY (b. 1941) studied for his M.A. at the University of Bombay on 1966 before migrating to the U.K. He obtained his Ph.D. for the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London in 1972. His thesis on the theme of Adab al-Qadi, the Administration of justice in Islam, is published in two volumes from Minna.Dr. Surty taught fourteen years in Sokoto, Nigeria and worked for three years as Senior Research Fellow at the Islamic Foundation, Leichester before joining the Centre of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, University of Birmingham. His other works include Towards Understanding the Glorious Qur'an; Arabic the Language of the Glorious Qur'an and al-Shari'ah and A course in 'Ilm al-Tajwid, The Science of Reciting the Qur'an. He has contributed articles on Islam to international journals.