ISBN: 9960740595
Author: Dr. Suhaib Hasan
Publisher: Darussalam Publishers & Distributors (Saudi Arabia)
Pages: 39 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Table of Contents:
Why does man need to pray?7
Prayer: A cry of the inner soul..8
Prayer: A pillar of Islam 10
Prayer is like a fortress..12
Which prayer is acceptable 16
Prayer as a weapon.19
Prayer as a reminder 19
Prayer: first step of Islamic Shariah.22
Prayer as an expiation of Sins..25
Prayer: the first question on the day of judgement.26
Sanctity of the Mosque.28
Prayer: A duty known to every Prophet 30
Why does man abandon Prayer?..34
Some Ahadith on prayer 35
Prayer: A duty on everyone..37