Author: Shaykh Sameer Az-Zuhayree
Publisher: Invitation to Islam, UK
Pages: 35 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Some Muslims today are not willing for the one who is proposing to look at the one he is proposing to, from amongst their daughters. Either because it is a habit which they have inherited from their fathers, or it is for some pretense for being cautious or safe. We find them at the same time allowing their daughters to beautify and expose themselves in front of chauffeurs, servants and in front of people who are not mahram for them; from amongst their children, uncles and relatives. Then there are some people who are happy with the one who is proposing to look at his daughter, unveiled, in a detestable way and is happy with him to be with her alone, to travel with her alone. In fact he is happy with everything which may call for them to get to know each other. Those fathers only bring about problems and regret for themselves. Due to these reasons and others, I have written this book to clarify this issue and what is related to it from the legislative rulings and I have named it "Al-Ahkaam al-Matloobah fi-Roiyah al-Makhtoobah."