ISBN: 189122980X
Author: Muhammad al-Jibaly/Muhammad Nasir ud-Din al-Albani
Publisher: Kitab as-Sunnah Publishing
Pages: 312 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
6.5"x9.5"We inevitably go through the journey starting in this life, and extending into the grave, before our final abode in the hereafter. In the process, we pass through stages of sickness, death, and the intermediate life in the grave (al-Barzakh). These are the subjects with which "The Inevitable Journey" deals over a sequence of four titles: :I. Sickness: Regulations & Exhortations II. The Islamic Will & Testament III. Funeral Regulations IV. Life in al-Barzakh. This book is the third in the series. It deals with the actual occurrence of death, and all lessons and regulations relating to it. It includes a close-to-complete translation of al-Albani's Ahkaam ul-Janaa'iz. In addition, it contains extensive supplementary material, and an enhanced presentation with tables and diagrams, making it a useful handbook, reference, and source of admonishment concerning death. We believe that this is the first book in English presenting this material, based on purely authentic evidence, to this level of depth, breadth, and practicality. Indeed, we offer praise and thanks to Allah (SWT) for facilitating this.