ISBN: none
Author: Khurshid Ahmad
Publisher: Islamic Society of North America, Islamic Teaching Center (1989)
Pages: 20 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The message of Islam is simple and profound: surrender yourself completely to your Lord and Creator, the One True God. Its formula for success and salvation is clear and brief: believe sincerely and adorn your life with righteous deeds. Correct belief entails belief in the oneness of God and His sole sovereignty, belief in all hiss Prophets including the last one, Prophet Muhammad, His revealed Scriptures, the angels, and the Day of Resurrection and Accountability. A life of righteous deeds is a life of worship, service, and realization of ones potential. The foundation and power source of righteous deeds are five: regular prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, and struggle in the cause of truth to build a compassionate, just society. The natural result of a life of righteous deeds is the gradual perfection of the individual and society.For those who accept this message, Islam promises a great reward in this world and a greater reward in the world to come. It promises peace of mind, harmony with nature, happiness for individuals, and material glory and success to societies that fulfill the moral imperative of doing righteous deeds. God has promised to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds that He will of a surety make them inheritors in the earth (al-Quran 24:55). The greater reward, however, is reserved for the Hereafter: No person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden (in reserve) for them-as a reward for their good deeds (al-Quran 32:17)