ISBN: 9830651126
Author: Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Publisher: A.S. Noordeen (2001, 1422 AH)
Pages: 143 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Menstruation and other forms ofvaginal bleeding comprise one of themost difficult chapters of fiqh. Thisbooks seeks to make it easy, startingwith the authentic evidence, along witha condensed translation of somefatwaas of leading scholars,rearranged to provide a logical flow ofideas.
Table of Contents:
Translation Legend 4
Foreword 5
The Evidence .11
Hayd and Nifaas 11
Istihaadah ...33
Aal Uthaymeens Rulings ..45
Rulings on Purity and Prayer ..45
Rulings on Ramadaan 62
Rulings on Hajj and Umrah 77
Rulings on divorce ..88
Taharaah ..91
Wudoo ..91
Ghust .120
Tayammum 128
Haddeeth Index .130
Bibliography ...141