ISBN: 068618307X
Author: Ibn Taymiya
Publisher: Islamic Foundation (UK)
Pages: 159 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Public Duties in Islam: The Institution of the Hisba being an English translation of al-Hisba fi al-Islam by Ibn Taymiya is the exposition of the theory of hisba in the wider context of a just society and an efficient market economy . Al-Hisba is a moral as well as a socio-economic institution in Islam through which public life is regulated in such a way that a high degree of public morality is attained and the society is protected from bad workmanship , fraud , extortion and exploitation . The book spells out the different stipulations of the Quranic command of amr bi’lma’Rif wa-n-nahi 'anil-munkar in lucid terms and is justifiably a treatise on sociology ,political science and economics . It presents a wealth of material with penetrating insights for laymen as well as modern economists and policy makers .