ISBN: 0860372170
Author: M.Umer Chapra
Publisher: Islamic Foundation (UK)
Pages: 426 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The ongoing revival of Islam in almost all Muslims countries has created the need for a clear integrated picture of the program that Islam has to offer to relies the kind of well-being that it envisages and to counter the different problems now facing mankind particularly in the economic field. Of special interest is a strategy that would help to reduce to manageable limits the macroeconomic and external imbalances that most countries are now experiencing around the world, and would yet enable them to attain full employment remove poverty, fulfil needs and minimize inequalities of income and wealth. Can the Muslim countries formulate such a strategy within the framework of the secularist worldview of capitalism, socialism and the welfare state? Can Islam help them rely their goals? If so, what kind of a policy package do Islamic teachings imply? This book is an effort to answer these and other related questions.