ISBN: 9781889720036
Author: Yahiya Emerick
Publisher: International Books & Tapes Supply; IBTS (NY)
Pages: 74 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
A delightful series of short stories which chronicle the journey of a young boy into manhood. These stories are excellent examples of how to apply Islamic principles in daily life. We began with Burhaan learning that a person’s character is more important than what he has. Next we see Burhaan’s patience tested and then how he reacts when a popular new student tries to gain the attention of the others. Burhaan also finds himself confronted with relatives who don’t practice Islam, he is challenged to do well on the test, and finally, we end with a heart-warming story about a cat Burhaan and a friend find that has a very special need. Designed for the third and fifth grade level.