ISBN: 9789830652511
Author: Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Publisher: A.S. Noordeen, Dar al-Fatah (2007)
Pages: 201 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
An approach to teaching theArabic language by introducingvocabulary and grammar in smalldoses, based on the most commonlyused words in Arabic literature andthe most frequently used grammaticalconstructions. Book One focuses onthe rules of nominal sentences.
Book InfoPages - 201Binding - PaperbackDimension - 17cm x 24cm
Table of Contents
Lesson One Fee11
A. Indefinite article12
B. Genitive case12
C. Verb “to be”13
D. Definite article13
E. Proper nouns16
F. Interrogative pronouns and particles16
G. Nominal sentence18
Lesson Two Min22
A. Preposition Min22
B. Proper nouns (female)25
C. Neuter pronoun29
D. Plural pronouns29
E. Attached personal pronoun32
F. Possessive pronoun33
Lesson Three 'Ala41
A. Preposition 'Ala41
B. Genders42
C. Plurals44
D. Adjectives45
E. Adjective predicate51
F. Indefinite subject53
Lesson Four An58
A. An in nominal sentence58
B. Pronoun subject An59
C. Indefinite subject of An61
D. Further emphasis to An61
E. Present participle63
F. Plurals in the accusative65
G. Preposition Eela65
H. Relative adjective68
I. Idaafah “of” constructions73
Lesson Five Hatha80
A. Demonstrative pronoun80
B. Demonstrative pronoun subject82
C. Demonstrative pronoun constructions83
D. Plural forms of Hatha88
E. Relatives of An90
F. Preposition 'An93
G. Relatives of Aboo94
Lesson Six Can101
A. Perfect tense of Can101
B. Predicate of Can106
C. Adverbs108
D. Verb Cala115
E. Preposition Lee116
F. Conjunction An117
Lesson Seven Al lathee124
A. Definite relative clauses124
B. Indefinite relative clauses125
C. Plurals126
D. Sound masculine plurals127
E. Sound feminine plurals130
F. Broken plurals132
G. Plural forms of Al lathee139
H. Plural forms of Can141
Lesson Eight Lees149
A. Singular forms of Lees149
B. Subject and predicate of Lees149
C. Noun Kala154
D. Plural forms of Call156
E. Verb-subject agreement159
F. Interrogative A165
G. Plural forms of Lees167
H. Negating the perfect with Maa170
Answer Key175
Arabic-English Dictionary195
English-Arabic Dictionary199