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Understanding Ismailism : A Case Study in Fabrication (Akbarally Meherally)

Understanding Ismailism : A Case Study in Fabrication (Akbarally Meherally)

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ISBN: 0969357109
Author: Akbarally Meherally
Publisher: A. M. Trust (1988)
Pages: 171 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher:

Understanding Ismailism examines the substance and practice of Ismailism with a penetrating study considering these fundamental aspects:

• Inner mystiques of Ismaili Tariqah (Ismailism)• Esoteric values of Ismaili beliefs• Equivocal “Declaration of Faith”• Enigmatic perception of Prophethood vis a vis Imamat• Unfettered power and authority of an Imam – the Spiritual Father and Mother of Ismailis• Inexplicable translations of “reconstituted” Quranic verses• Unique teachings of the Assassins and its aftermath• Perplexing legends transcending into “historical facts”• Fascinating history of Ismaili Imams, corroborated and contradicted by Ismaili authors• Also, many many unforgettable anecdotes


• An analytical study and a comprehensive comparison of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.


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