Aqidat-ut-Tawhid Hard Cover The Creed of Monotheism and An Explanation of What Negates It, Or Diminishes from It, Such as Major and Minor Polytheism, Innovations, and Others - Dar Makkah (Sheikh Salih al-Fawzan)
ISBN: 9782987457589
Author: Sheikh Salih al-Fawzan
Publisher: Dar Makkah (2012)
Pages: 273 Binding: Hardcover
Description from the publisher:
An explanation of what negates it, or diminishes from it, such as major & minor polytheism, innovations & others.
This book is about Tawhid;I have endeavoured to be concise theirin, employing only simple language. I have compiled it from several amongst the books of our leading eminent scholars, particularly from the book of Shaykh Al-Islam Muhamma bin Abdul-Wahab and his students, amongst the notable scholars of this blessed call.