Advice To The Muslim Woman (In Light Of The Noble Quran And The Authentic Ahadeeth) Shaikh Alee Bin Hassan Bin abdul Hameed al Halabee
ISBN: none
Author: Shaikh Alee Bin Hassan Bin abdul Hameed al Halabee
Publisher: Jogo Print, Invitation to Islam (2013)
Pages: 44 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
O my sister, in this book is reminder and a nourishment for this life. It is a life that could be long or short, but at the end of it, there will be death and then the grave. We want Msulim women who evaluate the matters according to the methodology of Allaah, the Greatest, and to look upon life through the Noble Quraan, to be aware of the Hereafter while she is in this world, to take Islaam as guide and way of life and the Sunnah of the Messenger