Explanation Of The Conditions Of The Testimony Of Faith And it’s Proofs (Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab)
ISBN: 9781943274536
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al- Jaami
Publisher: Creed Publishing (2015)
Pages: 124 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The auther said ‘’ chapter on the conditions of the testimony of faith ,they are seven conditions: knowledge , certainty, sincerity, truthfulness, love, acceptance and submission.These conditions have been derived and extracted by the people of knowledge from the book and the Sunnah . So they are conditions taken from textual proof of the book and the Sunnah.They are proofs which are read by everyone ,however Allah has granted it to who He wills from His slaves to have an understanding of the religion ,which other than them do not understand, They come with an affair that others view as bei ng new however in reality it is not new. However it’s new for the one who doesn’t know it and hasn’t been given understanding in the religion of Allah .