Arousing the Intellects with an Explanation of Umdatul Ahkaam (Book of Janaa'iz) (Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-'Uthaymeen)
ISBN: 9781467518901
Author: Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-'Uthaymeen
Publisher: Makatabatul-Irshad (2014)
Pages: 92 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Al-Janaa’iz is the plural of Janazah which is the deceased. It is said that Janazah is the deceased and Jinazah is the stretcher he is carried on, so the first is higher and the second is lower. What’s intended by the “book of al-janaa’iz” is the book (or chapter) that mentions in it the rulings concerning the dead: from the washing of the body, the wrapping of the body, the prayer for the dead person, the carrying of the body and the burying of the body. It is mentioned after the Book of the Prayer because the prayer for the dead person is the most significant thing that is performed on his behalf and the most beneficial matter for him, so on the authority of Ibn Abbas (radi Allâh anhu) that he said:
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“I heard the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) say: ‘There is not a muslim man, who dies and then 40 people, who do not associate any partners with Allah, perform his janazah except that Allah will accept their intercession on his (i.e. The deceased) behalf”