Chapter on Humility & Lowering One's wing to the Believers : Explanation of Riyadh us-Saliheen (Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymeen )
ISBN: 9781628906530
Author: Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymeen
Publisher: Maktabatulirshad Publications (November 2014)
Pages: 64 Binding: Paperback 5.75 x 8.25 x .2"
Description from the publisher:
Humility is the opposite of self-exaltation. Humility is that one does not elevate or exalt ?himself over others by way of his knowledge, lineage, wealth, status, leadership, ?governorship, and so on. Rather, it is obligatory to lower one’s wing to the believers. He ?should exhibit kindness to them just as the most honorable of creation and lofty amongst ?them before Allaah, the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), used to exhibit ?kindness to the believers, to the point that a young girl would grab him by the hand and ?take him wherever she wanted and he would fulfill her need for her.