ISBN: 9781495118548
Author: Shaykh Abd al Razzaq Ibn Abd al Muhsin al Abbad
Publisher: Hikmah Publications (2014)
Pages: 127 Binding: Paperback 5.75 x 8.25 x .4?
Description from the publisher:
It was certainly from the guidance of the Messenger of Allaah to specifically address the women with admonishments and reminders, just as is found in al-Bukhari on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas:
"The Messenger of Allaah exited, prayed and then delivered a sermon. Then, he approached the women, admonished them, gave them a reminder and commanded them with charity."
O successful woman, may Allaah fragrance your life with knowledge and Iman, your time with obedience and awareness of Him, and may He beautify your body with a covering modesty.
This is advice that I gift to you, hoping that Allah will benefit you by way of it.