ISBN: 1888782129
Author: Muhammad S. Adly
Publisher: Al-Adly Publications
Pages: 83 Binding: Paperback 5.5 x 8.5"
Description from the publisher:
Collection of some of the most touching sayings of the Messenger of Allah (s) to instruct young Muslims in the virtuous manners and ethics related to social interaction in Islam. 40 Hadeeth for Islamic Schools provides important guidelines from the Sunnah on honorable social relations and the principles behind them, with valuable commentary and explanation.
Not only will teachers and students benefit from the inclusion of this book in the curriculum of their Islamic schools, but every Muslim can gain knowledge and important insight from it as well. The book covers many subjects, such as:Aqidah (belief)Ibadaat (worship)Akhlaaq (behavior)Mu'amalaat (dealing with each other)Includes Arabic and English texts.