ISBN: 9781597842570
Author: Erol Ergun
Publisher: Tughra Books (2011)
Pages: 151 Binding: Paperback 6.25 x 6.25 x 0.5"
Description from the publisher:
The inhabitants of Shepherd's Hill were waiting for spring to arrive. Day by day everything was getting greener with spring showers. It was like a carnival on the Hill as God Almighty manifested His Beautiful Names on all creatures. Flowers of all colors had been placed on the green ground with great care. Sunshine the nightingale was full of enthusiasm as he recited the Names of God. His voice was so mesmerizing for beautiful Rose and everybody else around him. Then, everybody in the wood, the air, the fields, and the waters accompanied him with their hearts filled with the love of God Almighty. Let's join the growing chorus of the residents of Shepherd's Hill reciting the Divine Names and learn with them the Names of our Lord.