ISBN: 9781902614069
Author: Zafar Bangash
Publisher: The Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (2001)
Pages: 31 Binding: Paperback 5.75 x 8.25 x 0.125"
Description from the publisher:
Leadership is a critical concept of Islam. The Prophet (pb.u.h) was not a just a Messenger sent by Allah (SWT), he was also a leader of the new and growing Muslim community and of the first Islamic state established in Madinah with responsibility for actualizing the Quranic teachings and principles, and demonstrating them through his actions and examples.
The decline of Islamic civilization after his death was largely a failure of leadership, particularly after the Khilafah had been turned to malukiyyaah with its usurpation by the Banu Umayya. But it was not only a failure on the part of the Ummah that thy allowed power to pass into the hands of leaders who lacked Islamic legitimacy and the moral and personal qualities required for leadership in Islam.
In this study, Zafar Bangash studies the meaning of leadership in Islam, as well as the related ideas of legitimacy and power. He also looks at the criteria for legitimacy and the qualities and tasks of a good leader.