ISBN: 9780957402904
Author: Mohammad Akram Nadwi
Publisher: Nadwi Foundations (2013)
Pages: 302 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The book covers all the various aspects of the life and works of Shaykh 'Abu al-Hasan 'Ali Nadwi including the background of Muslims in India and the rest of the Muslim world from a political, intellectual and educational perspective, his life and influences upon his life such as his lineage, birth, upbringing, studies, journeys, teachers and key books, the biography then details his learning and writings in all aspects of da'wah and tarbiyah, the journeys he undertook for da'wah, the establishment and mission of Nadwat 'Ulama', and then his leadership of Muslims in India, his handling of contemporary Islamic groups, and the positions and honors he held. The biography ends by describing Shaykh Nadwi's character and death, his physical appearance, common habits, his daily routine and finally his death.