ISBN: None
Author: Abu Khaliy
Publisher: Islamic Books Pakistan
Pages: 64 Binding: Paperback
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Excerpt from Book:
This is the booklet “Prayer Behind the People of Innovation, Questions and Answers from the Fatawa of Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyah”, and to Allah is the praise. Many of our brothers are confused over issues related to this topic; this confusion appears in many environments, but more so especially in prisons and the very small communities of Muslims. The objective of this compilation is to help those in such circumstances to make the best decision in matters related to dealings with people of innovations. The points that the Shaykh has mentioned in theses statements can be summarized into the following:
- It is not allowed to appoint an innovator or wicked person to the position of Imam- Prayer behind a righteous or just person is better than prayer behind an innovator or wicked person.- Prayer behind an innovator or wicked person is better that the prayer performed alone, especially in the case of the Friday, festival, and congregational prayers.