Fasting from Alif to Yaa : A Day to Day Guide to Making the Most of Ramadhaan - Nakhlah Educational Series (Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacina Al-Amreekeeyyah As-Salafiyyah, Abu Hamzah Hudhaifah Ibn-Khalil, Umm Usaamah Sukhailah Bint-Khalil)
ISBN: 9781938117138
Author: Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacina Al-Amreekeeyyah As-Salafiyyah, Abu Hamzah Hudhaifah Ibn-Khalil, Umm Usaamah Sukhailah Bint-Khalil
Publisher: Taalib al-Ilm Educational Resources (July 2012)
Pages: 282 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This work about the blessed month of Ramadhaan contains additional daily points of benefit to teach one how to live Islaam as a way of life. Plus, it contains stories of the Prophets and Messengers including activities for the whole family to enjoy and benefit from for each day of Ramadhaan. Some of the Prophets and Messengers covered include Aadam, Ibraaheem, Lut, Yusuf, Sulaymaan, Shu’ayb, Moosa, Zakariyyah, Muhammad, and more! As well as recipes for foods enjoyed by Muslims around the world.