ISBN: 9781565644304
Author: Abdulhamid A. Abusulayman
Publisher: International Institute of Islamic Thought and Culture (2007)
Pages: 46 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Reform and revitalization in higher education are essential elements for the Ummah’s awakening and for the realization of its civilization aspirations and the success of its global mission. This paper calls for reforming our approach to education particularly through the Islamization of Knowledge so that both divine and human sources are integrated into a powerful whole with Revealed knowledge providing a comprehensive, spiritual and moral guidance in the sphere of human action, universal laws, and scientific and technological knowledge as tools for that action. The International Islamic University in Malaysia (founded in 1984) is used as a case study to illustrate the success and viability of putting the concepts of the Islamization of Knowledge into a university educational plan.