ISBN: 9781597842532
Author: Resit Haylamaz)
Publisher: Tughra Books (2011)
Pages: 134 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Ali ibn Abi Taleb is the first person who pops into our minds when bravery amongst the Companions of the Prophet is mentioned. Not only is he a symbol of courage and gallantry, but he is also a leading figure in the depths of the metaphysical and spiritual worlds.
This pupil of the Seal of Prophethood, who was also a unique member of the Prophet’s household, was in fact so close to God’s Messenger that the noble Messenger to him, “You are of me and I of you.” This proximity, however, meant struggling with constant tests and having a great responsibility and accountability. Though Ali was continuously tested with the most difficult tragedies and heartbreaks in life, he achieved the deepest profundity in faith and lived a life at the peak of spirituality. His love of God and His Messenger earned Ali the title of al-Murtada, or the one with whom God is pleased.