ISBN: 9789699145094
Author: Maulana Muhammad Manzur Numani
Publisher: Zam Zam Publishers (2007)
Pages: 147 Binding: Hardcover
Description from the publisher:
This is a translation of a widely read Urdu book 'Din O Shari’at.It is intended to give a general [yet more detailed understanding than the author’s other book “What is Islam” of the basic tenets of Islam and the basis upon which they are founded. It is based on a series of lectures given by the author Maulana Manzoor Nomani to university students in Lucknow .The author, the late MaulanaMuhammad Manzoor Nu'mani is a very well known Hadith Scholar in the Indian Sub-Continent. A contemporary of Shaikh Sayid Abul Hasan Nadwi and had very close links with Nadwa.. He Settled in Lucknow after he had begun his Dîni work in Bareilly. On the insistence of its, authorities, he taught hadîth at Nadwa and remained a member of the administration for a very long period.He was a very active teacher and lecturer and has written many books, booklets and magazine articles. He is the Author of the well known Ma'ariful Hadith: Meaning&Message of the Traditions (a very lucid and comprehensive 4-Volume introduction to the Hadith for the general reader)..He also established the journal Al-Furqan, now under the editorship of his son Maulana Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Nu'mani.